Birmingham, MI – FEBRUARY 14, 2013
The Young Voices FoundationTM sponsors of the Young Voices Foundation AwardsTM honoring books and media that inspire, mentor and educate young people and their families, is pleased to announce that Timothy’s Glove written by local author, Kathleen Chisholm McInerney, was awarded a gold seal of approval in the
Religious Fiction Juvenile category.
Judging is based on content (emphasis on strong family values and suitability for the specified age group), originality, design, and production quality. “Judges are especially pleased to review a title that will appeal to an otherwise reluctant reader,” said Bobbi Carducci, Foundation Director. Timothy’s Glove epitomizes the qualities The Young Voices Foundation strives to promote.
The judging panel includes published authors, editors, publishers, educators, young readers, parents,
and family counselors.
The Young Voices FoundationTM is a Virginia based 501(c)(3) educational non-profit dedicated to mentoring creative young people and encouraging a life-long love of the written word.
Timothy’s Glove is the story of a baseball game being played in Heaven between the Saints and the Angels. It offers its readers a spectacular vision of life after death. In the narrative, a conversation takes place between God and a young boy named Timothy, who has gone to Heaven. God points out the many small acts of kindness done by Timothy while on Earth. Timothy never thought he was doing anything “important” through these acts of kindness, but God assures Timothy that no act is small in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
In publishing Timothy’s Glove, McInerney hoped to inspire children to live with open hearts to God’s love. She says, “Living this way will lead to a life filled with miracles and an eternity filled with peace.” Most of all, she wishes her book will give children the confidence that, in Heaven, the game never ends.
Timothy’s Glove By Kathleen Chisholm McInerney, (Illustrator) 30 pp Ferne Press, Northville, MI
When the wind is howling outside and the temperature drops into the teens or lower, there is nothing better than curling up to read a good book. Encouraging children to develop a love of reading is a gift that can last a lifetime.
Timothy’s Glove is a new children’s book out last October. Written and illustrated by Kathleen Chisholm McInerney, the story is set in heaven, where 10-year-old Timothy is relief pitcher for the Angels in the Opening Day Angels vs. Saints game. God is the umpire. Discovering a beautifully illustrated children’s book that talks about God’s love in a venue that appeals to young sports fans is a blessing in itself. A note on the book jacket cover, “Endorsed by Cal Ripken, Jr.” is sure to draw the attention of some readers. But learning the real life tragedy which inspired the author to write the story is even more compelling to read.
Reviewed by Cathy Locher, Staff writer"

December 5, 2011
Bobz Book Reviews
Heaven is like a baseball game, and it’s what you do in life that determines if you’ll be in uniform for God’s team, the “Saints.”
Timothy gets a chance to pitch for the heavenly home team in “Timothy’s Glove,” Kathleen Chisholm McInerney’s new book for young people.While there’s never really a doubt about the outcome of the game, the back-story about Tim’s journey to make a place for himself on the home-team squad is what the colorfully illustrated book is about. Adults will find the simple tale plot line reinforces the types of acts of kindness and goodness that everyone wants to see grow in children, and if a sports analogy helps get the message across to young readers, great.
About Bob Zyskowski
Bob is the Client Products Manager for the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. A 42-year veteran of the Catholic Press, he is the former Associate Publisher of The Catholic Spirit.